Government Relations
A successful outcome does not happen by chance. Rather, it occurs through the precise execution of a carefully developed strategy. Whether representing governmental entities or businesses and individuals in matters involving governmental entities, Nodolf Flory, LLP, has the extensive experience and knowledge base to serve all your legal needs.
Representation for Businesses and Individuals
Navigating through today's complex governmental regulatory landscape requires a partner with both a thorough knowledge of local, state, and federal laws and the individuals who serve these governmental entities. A successful outcome in the governmental arena requires the proactive implementation of an aggressive, problem-solving strategy. Our goal is to provide a smooth and successful interaction between commercial and private interests, government, and the public.
Representation for Governmental Entities
We serve as general counsel for cities, villages, towns, commissions, and districts throughout northwestern Wisconsin. Successful representation of governmental entities results from developing a deep understanding of community needs and core values and assisting in long-term planning for community success. As legal advisors, we provide governmental entities with effective, common-sense counsel to assure sound decisions.
Guidance Through Government Regulation and Strategic Planning
Our counsel and representation in government-related matters includes the following:
- Comprehensive planning
- Real estate development
- Labor and employment
- TIF districts
- Abatement actions
- Condemnation
- Easements and utilities
- Redevelopment
- Wastewater treatment facilities
- Mining and minerals
- Public relations
- Transportation
- Facility development and operation
- Zoning, use permits and variances
- Governmental financing
- Real property tax matters
- Permitting and licensing
- Administrative process/procedure
- Ordinance development
- Development agreements
- Open meetings/public records